
Ffilmiau Byr 10/11/2004 i 20/11/2004

Mewn trefn bron yn gronolegol...jest er mwyn cofio be ydyn nhw, dwi'n dechra anghofio rhai yn barod

Sister – Daniel Mulloy – 2004
A Chair-a-plane Kwela - 2004 - DU - Geoffrey Llewellyn Jones - 4'
The Climatic Death of a Dark Ninja - 2004 - UDA - Peter Craig - 12'
Crackers - 2004 - DU - Ross Jarvis (y peth mwya shait i fi weld drwy'r holl wyl)
Magnetism - 2004 - UDA - Nye Warburton - 3'
Decidedly Bloody Dodgy cyf: Craig Osbourne, o Bort Talbot
Something Real cyf: Jon Rennie, o Gaerdydd
Arrowman Sam cyf: Tom Rowson, o Dalgarth, Powys
The Last Child of the Sixties cyf: Simon Ludders, o Gaerdydd
The Ghost of Me cyf: Sean Tuan John o Gaerdydd
Barrie The Barber cyf: John Giwa-Amu and Stephen Saif, o Gaerdydd
Hamoudi and Emil - 2004 - Denmarc - Mahdi Fleifel - 22'
Contempt of Conscience - 2004 - DU - Joe Jenkins - 12'
Flat Point (Zona Cero) - 2003 - Mecsico - Carolina Rivas - 27'
For a Tamgo - 2003 - DU - Gabrielle Zuccheli - 5'

Animated Gems
Omni - 2004 - Rob Cawdery a Ben Jones
Susie - 2004 - Catherine Snelling
Shadows and Reflections - 2004 - Stephen Whittle
Digital Visions 2004
The Patricide Elegies - 2004 - Patrick Jones
Living Hell - 2004 - Mandy Carpenter
Why me? - 2004 - Leanne Rahman
Touched - 2004 - Alison Carvalho
First Sign - 2004 - Matthew Humphreys
Life before Death - 2004 - Helen lles
Veiled - 2004 - Lynda Myer-Bennet
Screen Gems 2004
Work In Progress - 2004 - Matt Brown - 3'
Bang Bang I love You - 2004 - Paula Brooks - 3'
The Glossy Mag - 2004 - Georgi Banks-Davies
The Divine Eugene Hicks - 2004 - Anthony Hurley
The Boy With The Blue Eyes - 2004 - Catherine Linstrum
ReRun -2004 - Sarah Ellis
Day At The Beach - 2004 - Jonathan Tappin
To The Wall - 2004 - Sian Price
Two Dragons - 2004 - Matthew Fletcher Jones (SGRIPT) / Emma Jane Richards (CYFARWYDDWR)
They Walk By Day - 2004 - Nimrod Jones
Brief Encounters
Barrie the Barber – John Giwa-Amu and Stephen saif
Dog Years
Non-Fat (Oliver Manzi)
6 Goats
Last Tango In Bristol – Stephen Hanks
...4ydd Mini Masterpiece
Untertag – gan foi is-Almaeneg, dogfen am ddwirnod gwaith glowyr
Turn - enillydd gwobr ffilmiau Stidwants NAHEMI
Rhyw Documentary am ddynes Groegaidd.

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